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Thru-hiking the Uinta Highline Trail was one of my greatest learning experiences. While on a road trip with a buddy, we had just finished up the Lost Coast Trail, and he unexpectedly had to go home for a week while we had the Uinta planned....meaning I was given the opportunity to hike 86 miles ALONE in the REMOTE backcountry! Located due east of Park CIty, Utah this trail is in a prime location to be hiked. Near a cool city but just far out west where no on will bother you if you go far enough into the backcountry. I took a half day on the first and last day, with 3 20+ mile days in the middle. This was the first trail I had hiked without a map on Guthook (FarOut) so I had to utilize my map knowledge and route-finding skills while looking at topographical maps on the GPS. Also, this was my first trail with no phone service the whole way. I was OUT out there, but overall it was a top hiking experience for me. I am a big fan of the Uinta.

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